Oskaras Korsunovas Theatre
šokio spektaklis pagal Antonio Vivaldi ir Saint–Saenso muziką
Choreographer, costume designer ‒ Anželika Cholina.
36 artists took part: actors, Music Academy students and Vilnius ballet school pupils.
Duration - 1 hour.
Premiere ‒ 24th of November, 1999.
Theater and cinematography have a long history of attempts to tell the tragic fates of famous and unknown artists, destroyed by their passion for stage. This banal theme becomes innovative in A. Cholina’s performance because of the expressive composition, laconic and effective visual solution and dynamic action.

@ Paulius Gasiunas
The story is “told” by three groups of characters: three Muses ‒ cleaning ladies, several mad girls and a tiny black swan that has just hatched out of a green egg. The names of the characters are abstracts ‒ spectators can change them easily.
The performance is an ironic parody of the aesthetics of classical ballet. The beginning clearly reminds the overture of the famous “Pas de Quatre” by Cesare Pugni. Only there is Trois here instead ofQuatre, and there are many such ironic "quotations" in the performance. The white trio is opposed to the mass of strange unidentifiable beings in black clothes. To identify them as “girls” is possible only because they have swinging plaits.
A. Cholina has an admirable ability to work with numerous dancers. Perhaps for the first time not only professional actors, but also schoolchildren and students were invited to participate in a performance on a professional stage.
This performance will not be displayed any time soon.