Dance performance to the music by contemporary composers
Choreographer ‒ Anzelika Cholina.
Stage designer ‒ Marijus Jacovskis.
Indrė Bacevičiūtė, Živilė Baikštytė, Tomas Ceizaris, Donatas Bakėjus, Eligijus Butkus, Aušra Gineitytė, Andrius Žužžalkinas, Giedrius Savickas, Rūta Kudžmaitė, Sigita Mikalauskaitė,Giedrė Zaščižinskaitė, Martynas Rimeikis, Edita Stundytė, Brigita Urbietytė and Modestas Pachalka.
Duration ‒ 1 hour 15 min.
Premiere ‒ 2002 February 14.
@ Dmitrijus Matvejevas
„People... Faces... Thousands of faces... Eternal anonymous flow before your eyes and bittersweet apprehension you are one... One of them...“
"No script, no exact story line ‒ the performance is done out off nothing. But somehow it tells everything you need to know about LOVE. The characters are those in love, those that were in love and the lonely ones. The performance is both honest and ironic, especially when it comes to the “man and woman” situations. The ridiculous scenes of communication between people searching for love require good dancing and perfect artistic skills."
Many important questions emerge during this performance: who is more important – the one who offers you a flower or the one who answers your questions? Who is right for you and who is not? What to do when the right person arrives? The performance doesn’t give you the answers; it only shows you the road into your inner self.
This performance will not be displayed any time soon.